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Star Rating Graphic (4) 159 kms
Alanwiltshire | Octobre 13, 2021 | Europe > Espagne Balades Motos > Andalucia

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Octobre 13, 2021 - Star Rating Graphic

This ride starts in Spain and going north through Villablanca and follows the course of the Guardiano up to the second bridge crossing into Portugal. You then turn back south again along the banks of the Guardiano through the picturesque twon of Alcoutim and then back across the Guardiano into Spain. Don't get it wrong as you join the expressway back to Spain or you will join a "tolled" section of the E22 in Portugal. Overall about three to four house ride with plenty of places to stop for coffee or something to eat. Some of the ride is through villages or town, but mostly it is very rural.
Here is a link to a Youtube video recently riding across Wales Off Road.

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