Route of your life

Star Rating Graphic (4) 71 kms
gramshi | Mai 25, 2018 | Europe > Grèce Balades Motos > Mainland Greece

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Virages Star Rating Graphic (4)
TwistinessStar Rating Graphic (1.9)
Lignes DroitesStar Rating Graphic (3)
Points de vueStar Rating Graphic (4)
VisibilitéStar Rating Graphic (3.5)
SurfaceStar Rating Graphic (3)
DangersStar Rating Graphic (2.5)
Police Star Rating Graphic (2)


Have your say....
Juillet 11, 2021 - Star Rating Graphic

Enjoyable scenery, well paved road except some short stretches of hard-packed gravel, nice elevation, a chance to admire Greek mountainous area, some historic monuments and feel the briskness of the air....

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Mai 25, 2018 - Star Rating Graphic

As a person who has done many legendary routes (Transfagarasan, Transalpina, Stelvio etc.) I am telling you "Do not die before you ride this route."

But be cautious, the elevatiton goes up to 1.800 meters, best between mid-may until mid-september.

Spectacular curves, transfagarasan style road views, so far away from residental presence.

Recommended that you take the road from Ioannina (west of Pindus mountains) and ride from west to east.

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